Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Good bye House

We got everything out of the house on that last day. The house echoed from being empty. I had the kids do one last good bye. They said good bye to their playroom, good bye to grandma's room (guest room), good bye to her bathroom, good bye to the fireplace and kitchen and back yard. It reminded me of the book Goodnight Moon. Instead it was "good bye room, good bye kitchen" etc. It was kind of sad. We lived in that house for 2 yrs 9mo & had so many memories. Going all Griswald at Christmas & decorating the inside & out (we got 1st place the first year & 2nd place the second year), hiding 200 Easter eggs in the front & back yard, throwing big birthday parties, having sleep overs, having my mom stay with us, having my in laws come visit, the many booboos, the huge yard & patio, being at the end of the cul de sac so kids could ride bikes, the rocks they painted, the frequent chalk art on the patio, the big daddy fires & smores, the beautiful mountain view, the dark sky & star gazing, jumping on the trampoline, playing in the snow (yes in southern AZ), taking neighborhood walks & runs. It was a nice house. It was too big (3100 sqft). The mortgage was too big. The upkeep wasn't fun. The constant cleaning drove me nuts, but it was a nice house. It was the first house we bought & sold. It was the first house that didn't have all white walls (military). It had lots of space, but just too much space. I didn't like having the kids on the opposite side of the house at night. They were simply too far & although I told them to sleep in their room I often carried at least one back to my room to snuggle at night. You'd think I would be used to moving every couple of years since we did that with the Air Force for so many years, but I was still sad. Would the kids remember living in that house? Dalton didn't want to move & said he was going to miss our house. Annika didn't want to move because she would miss her friends. Emry was my cheerleader & said it was ok that we moved. I know we have more adventures ahead & we won't regret this decision, but it's still kinda sad closing that door forever. I asked hubby as he locked the door behind him if he was sad about it & he said "kinda, it's a nice house, but we need to get out before it falls apart on us." As long as we're together, right? Good bye house. Thanks for the memories.

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