Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Payson, AZ campground

We set off on our new journey and said good bye to Tucson. After 2 yrs 8 1/2 months I was ready for something new. I guess that's the result of so many military moves. Some enjoy the moving every couple of years & some dread it. I for one like it. Yeah it's a pain as far as getting everything out of one house & into another while cleaning both old & new house, but I would always get that itch for a new place, a new adventure, a change of scenery, so yes I was ready to leave Tucson and I did not shed one tear (not that I ever did in our many moves). Yes I was kinda sad to leave the area where we made so many memories with the kids, but the beauty of it all is that we can take those memories with us wherever we go. My oldest didn't want to move because she was going to miss her friends, my middle child didn't want to move either because he would miss our house and his new classmates, but my youngest didn't mind moving. She is still a bit confused about us never going back to our house & that our 5th wheel is now our "home". She asked if we would go back because one of her classmates was going to invite her to a birthday party, but I had to explain that we had moved & we are not going back. She's my adventurous child so she shrugs her shoulders & says "ok" like she's game for whatever. I'm pretty sure she won't remember living in Tucson the same way my son doesn't remember when we lived in IL.

We headed north to our first official stop in Payson where my in-laws live. We got a small storage unit where we put a few items in & I had to do some rearranging since hubby likes to just put stuff wherever. I labeled the boxes "front" and "back" so he knew what went were, but that didn't matter apparently. Turns out my china boxes were on the bottom of several heavy boxes (gah!) and boxes labeled "front" were in the back under other boxes. Not sure why I bothered. I think he just likes to ruffle my feathers. Anyway, we set up at the one rv campground in town. Talk about being close o your neighbors. Geez it was not only a tight fit, but steep as well. The whole park was dirt & gravel, which made for a dusty mess in the trailer, but there were a lot of trees, which made for a somewhat peaceful setting. It was a full house when we arrived since it was the weekend, but it cleared out Sunday morning. Nothing like waking up to the sound of loud motorcycles. It got quite chilly at night & although in the beginning I didn't feel the fireplace in our trailer was necessary, we sure got some use out of it on those chilly mornings & now I'm thankful we have it. We also discovered that we can change the color of the fire & background. Ooohhh aaahhhhh! Anyway, I did find it odd that there were no trash cans throughout the campground. The place was clean no doubt, but I just assumed trash cans throughout would be helpful. I gotta say it's no fun carrying those dog poop bags around & back to the trailer. Speaking of dogs, I'm happy to say that our 2 pups have gotten soooo much better with their no barking while walking. I think they have gotten used to seeing other people, cars and dogs around & don't feel the need to bark like crazy fools. I also think the frequent walks & exercise helps too. We were worried that we would get warnings or complaints from the campgrounds about our barking dogs, but so far they are doing great & they travel so well. Their happy place is simply sitting on the kid's lap.

Speaking of kiddos we did get our first trailer booboo. For some reason the kids like to sit on the stairs of the trailer & my son was sitting there when the door was partially opened & he stood up. OUCH! Yeah the corner of the door hit his head & drew blood. It was a doozy, my poor baby. I swear he's had so many head injuries & he's only 5! Lord bless him & keep his noggin safe. His Abu (my mother in law) was sure to give him extra potato dumplings to make him feel better. I told the kids that this would be their last dose of dumplings for a while since we would be on the road. They had them for breakfast & lunch for a couple days. It's funny that when I say we'll see Abu my kids automatically say "dumplings" and when I say we'll see grandma (my mom) my kids say "tortillas". My son wasn't the only one with a booboo on this trip. My youngest fell off the swing at the park. Her grandpa was pushing her on the swing & decided to spin her at the same time. I was taking a picture & could see the fear & nervousness on her face. I could hear her say she didn't like it or thought it was a good idea. Before I could go to her it was one more spin as she was airborn & boom on her booty she fell with a bonk to the back of her head. She held onto that swing, but not quite enough. Oh boy. Nothing like mama hugs, kisses & snuggles to make her feel better. She's a tough cookie for sure. It was a good 2 days before she forgave her grandpa. Hahaha!

Another reason for our trip to Payson was so the in laws could join us & travel a bit. We had plans to see Slide Rock, Antelope Canyon & Horseshoe Bend. I was also waiting to hear from Amazon on when & where to take my drug screening so I can get the thumbs up to work. Never heard from them so after 3 days we decided to head out.

Early Birthday/Going Away

My oldest always has her birthday during fall break so we would have her birthday party a week early so her classmates could celebrate with her. This year we had to do the party extra early, like 3 weeks, due to selling the house & moving. I told her it would be a combination of early birthday/going away party. We discussed many times where the party would be and what theme. She chose Zootopia & I checked the zoo to see about a party. Wowzers! A bit on the pricey side. She didn't want a skating party, swim party or bowling party. She debated over a horse riding party or an indoor jumping party. She finally decided on Peter Piper Pizza. Ugh! Of all the places. It's all noise & chaos & me constantly scanning the area to count all my chickens. My daughter wanted her 2 best friends there & they were. She was so happy. You see one of her BFF moved to a different school this year & we didn't have his contact info so I decided to take an invitation to his school & thankfully he got it. He was as happy as my daughter was & the 3 of them were together again. We made sure to get addresses before we parted ways. As much as I didn't want to be at PPP, I was happy for my daughter who was all smiles. It was worth the torture. We had to send her off with one last hoorah. I also had my youngest invite some of her classmates as a good bye/early birthday as well. She had  a few friends come out & she was happy with her cupcakes. I had my son invite some of his friends, but sadly no one came. I felt so bad for him. It was like a repeat from his birthday party earlier this year, but he still seemed to have fun. There was a classmate party after ours at a bowling center & another classmate party the day after ours so I figured they were all going to those since our invites got out after theirs. Still I hoped at least one friend would show. Poor kiddo. He's a trooper. I'm just thankful I didn't have to do any cleaning & only a tiny bit of prep work. The only stress was having the kids pick out their junk toys at the counter. Cake & candy & everyone's happy. Happy early birthday to my girls.
