Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 12 Baby fever & no not that kind

Last night Emry had a fever. I couldn’t find the thermometer, but I didn’t need it to know that she was feverish. After searching everywhere for medicine I remembered it was under the bench seat. I gave her a dose of motrin then got her to sleep. I gave her doses again at 2:35am & 8:30am(ish). Her poor little cheeks were so red due to her fever & of course I started to worry. I always feel helpless when my kiddos are sick. I let her sleep just in her diaper so she wouldn’t get too hot. I used a baby wipe to wipe all over her face, head & body to help cool her off. She didn’t like it, but she fell back asleep. I told hubby we should take her to the clinic here at the park to make sure she didn’t have an ear infection or worse. He felt differently, but hey don’t argue with a worried mama.

I figured the morning would be a good time to do laundry, but I was wrong. It was packed full of people.  It took longer than it normally would because I had only 1 washer then waited for others to open up. I managed to get 2 more beside the one I already had. I put one load in the dryer then had about 18 minutes before the others were ready. I drove back to camp to feed Emry & check on her. I took both Emry & Annika with me to relieve hubby. Annika played outside with a friend while I finished up. Poor Emry was not feeling well at all. I don’t know if she’s teething or just sick. It took forever to finish up, but we got back to camp & had lunch then headed out.

We first took Emry to the clinic which thankfully was only about 4-5 miles away. She had 103 fever! My level of worry went up about 10 notches. They did all her vitals & was grateful to hear her lungs were clear & oxygen level was good. Her ears were clear as well. She’s almost 18 pounds, but thought she’d be bigger than that. So the p.a. said she’s sick, but not sick sick. He said it could be a bladder infection, but he didn’t want to put a catheter in her. He said even if she did have an ear infection (she didn’t) they don’t prescribe antibiotics anymore since usually after 3 days the infection is gone anyway. I guess I worry about long term results from ear infections. She didn’t need any prescriptions, but they said if she wasn’t better or if she got worse to bring her back tomorrow. I prayed I didn’t have to bring her back. My poor baby girl. They told me to alternate the Tylenol & motrin, but the Tylenol dosage doesn’t seem right to me & we have no freggin wifi for me to research it. The last thing I want to do is overdose my baby. So I will do motrin until I get it figured out or until she gets better.

By the time we got ready to head out to do the other loop it was almost 3pm. Annika mentioned to us that she had no shoes. What? I always say “socks & shoes on”. So after hubby got the propane tank filled & our gas tank filled, we headed back to the trailer to get shoes & the binoculars that we always forget. We figured we’d all might as well get out & I fed Emry while we got a few bites to eat. We finally hit the road & saw more buffalo & elk & dumb people holding up traffic to take pictures. Why do they feel the need to get as close to the WILD life as possible? I couldn’t believe they let their children out of their vehicles to get near these WILD animals. Where is their common sense? Please if any of you are reading this, don’t be foolish & let your kids out of your vehicle while you take photos of wild animals. If you want to put your life in danger that’s your choice, but don’t make that choice for your young children. The animals are unpredictable & faster than you or I or your children can run. Is it worth putting your children in harms way so you can get a freggin photo? It makes me mad & I get irritated when I see them do that. I’d hate for those buffalo to freak out & charge at the crowd. The kids naturally are the slowest so they would be the ones in serious danger. Then who would the parents blame? Surely not themselves. Ok done with my rant.

Towards the end of the loop we saw some new animals finally. A bear crossed the road & went up to the side of the mountain. I managed to get a photo from inside our vehicle. I’m not going to get out & slow traffic since I don’t like it when other people do that. I stood up & propped myself out of the sunroof. Tada picture taken & we could check that animal off our list. We also saw a ratty ‘ol fox trotting down the side of the road. A couple of times hubby said “there’s a bald eagle” but nope it was either a raven or hawk. I spotted a bald eagle perched on a tree near a river. Check! But still no moose.

We saw some awesome waterfalls that you could hear before even seeing them. They were pretty awesome & the raging river made me want to go white water rafting. I’ll add that to my bucket list. About half way around this other loop there was road work & we had to wait about 10 minutes for the “follow me” car. That gave me enough time to change the baby’s diaper. I wanted to feed her, but traffic started moving & hubby was anxious to go. Humpf. By the time we finished the loop it was late once again & dinner, baths & bed was late as usual. Dalton is easy to put to bed, but my night owl, Annika, is a procrastinator & looks for excuses to stay awake. One day she’ll understand how precious her sleep is.

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